Madereal snack box in Surfset Fitness oh-goodies

Snack right with Made Real

In the quest of fitness, exercising and expending energy is only half the story – the other half’s in what we consume. Just like the little naps after hitting the snooze is the best sleep, snacking has gained a reverence among us as an oh-so-tasty forbidden fruit. Fear not! Here comes Made Real, a healthy snacking alternative. Their snack boxes are full of goodies that are sourced for good nutrition.

Contents of Madereal Oh Goodies - Spatula & Whisk, Oatrageous, MyMaha essential greens

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Instructors in yoga poses on surfset board during sweatfornepal

#SweatForNepal Charity Fitness Event

SweatForNepal Instructors 2

#SweatForNepal has concluded, and we are very happy to be part of the crew that raised more than SGD 7,000 for relief efforts in Nepal! The SweatForNepal website has been updated with some photos, and we think the conclusion text is summarizes the event very well: Read more

Sweat For Nepal logo

#SweatForNepal – Upcoming Charity Event: 3rd May 2015

Event over!

This event is over. To see what went on during the event, check our event post.

The earthquake that hit Nepal on the 25th of April was a tragic event that left countless people dead and injured, with hundreds of thousands more displaced from their homes without access to food, water, and shelter. Thousands of people and organizations worldwide have stepped up to contribute to relief efforts, and it is heartening to see the millions of people globally trying to help.

A small group of people in the fitness industry in Singapore has also come together to organize a charity event aiming to contribute to the Nepal Earthquake relief efforts.


sweat for nepal sweatfornepal banner mountain background

#SweatForNepal is the charity event upcoming on the 3rd of May 2015, hoping to unify fitness to reach out to the relief efforts and aid the victims of the earthquake.

Starting at 8.30 a.m and running through to 1.00 p.m, fitness classes will be conducted at the 100 Plus Promenade at Singapore Sports Hub. Read more